Thursday, December 23, 2021

Famous Author Amy Jones...I mean Faith Jones...


No...Not Amy Jones, my name until relatively recently...but Author Faith Jones was on NPR's Fresh Air today...she was in the cult, The Family, tells her story, and how she broke away to fight for freedom and independence...

...and her book, Sex Cult Nun...

...and she got an agent and HarperCollins signed her to a book deal, Hard Cover, Soft Cover & Audiobook...

MY STORY...First I had to break away from the cult-like Jehovah's Witness religion which held me and my parents hostage, then I had to break away from an initial ill-advised marriage, and after 10 demanding years in the adult entertainment world, I broke away from the flash-for-cash stage and another marriage gone south, only to take up with a smooth operator who wooed me to the alter as a suave Dr. Jekyll but soon turned into an abusive Mr. Hyde. After dispatching him, I retreated to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to lick my wounds and regain my strength and resolve to continue making a contribution to this story, so similar in so many ways to the Faith Jones journey.  
When connections like this happen, do you ever get the feeling that the "Universe" has something in store for you...can you believe it, author Faith Jones is reachable...and tomorrow I'm going to send her an email asking that she take a look at my story and ask her to refer me to her agent.

We seem to have so much in common, on my blog I offer speaking does Faith!! And, she also is a life coach!!

Faith has given a TEDx Talk...and that's something I need to look into.
It just seems like a "sign" to me that in my darker days my name was Amy Jones...that we both left a cult and earned our independence with grit, determination and street smarts.

If nothing else comes of reaching out to her I hope the two of us can meet for coffee some day to share our experiences!

We'll see what the storytelling fates have in mind for us...
Some day that picture below of a famous author might be...Amy Jones...I mean, Amy Ford!!!


Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 As I drive through the Wintery Wonderland of the UP, listening to Billy Ocean,  "Get Outta My Dreams," a very peppy song, I think to myself where do I begin. It’s been so long since I recorded my experiences as a stripper / entertainer and dominatrix. My life is so different now and yet there are many aspects of it that are the same…

I still have so many characters in my life that have all had a profound affect on who I have become.

In contrast to my life before, I feel that I am much more free, free to choose a quiet life, free to choose the right relationships for me.

I can surround myself with good people in my life and I have.

It has been a very rough road getting to this point, very rough indeed.

Three marriages, several relationships, friendships, have all crashed and burned before my eyes.

And yet, out of all of that a handful of friends “my family“ has stuck by me through thick and thin. 

I would like to dedicate this blog to those who have loved me unconditionally through All of it…



Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Amy Ford is Back!

 ...well, fans, I've been living a different kind of life in the relative wilderness of the UP of Michigan, but I just might be back...more to come soon!

Famous Author Amy Jones...I mean Faith Jones... No...Not Amy Jones, my name until relatively recently...but Author...